COPENHAGEN: A session in front of a hostel about a direction of following journey. The first and the last hostel has took us by surprise.
We had to rent bed sheets because we didn't have own ones. (2002/09/13, mpeg, 14 MB). |
A tunnel between Denmark and Sweden which vents on a bridge over a sea. We have voted a
quick way over paid bridges instead of ferries
because Jiri will wait for us in Stockholm. (2002/09/14, mpeg, 10 MB). |
A SUPPER: Jakub is preparing a supper. It is a heroical performance. A menu of a green Opel crew was surely
the best of all! (2002/09/13, mpeg, 6 MB). |
THE NORTH CAPE (71°). Weather is more than unkind. Plaquettes are made of bronze according to
drafts of children from all continents of the world. We saw a perfect movie about this northernmost
cape in the information centre. (2002/09/16, mpeg, 12 MB). |
A look within drive by car in Norway. Mood is more than good for the present. We look forward to see some
auroras. We don't know yet that luck will stay with us and a sky will show us lovely performance.
(2002/09/17, mpeg, 23 MB). |
The views toward mountains and sea from a road in Norway.
There is snow on tops of majestic mountains and giants mushrooms grow along to the way. Nobody collects them.
(2002/09/17, mpeg, 17 MB). |
Waterfalls in Norway. The view from the car. Enthusiasm is big and we would like to climb up. However, we don't have enough time.
A very long way to the north is in front of us.
(17.9.2002, mpeg, 23 MB). |
Norway is a mountainous country with the lowest population per square kilometer in Europe.
A customs officer was very objectionable. He checked our stuff. Then we could see an impressive lonely land.
(2002/09/18, mpeg,
44 MB). |
MOUNTAINS: We observed beautiful auroras at the foot of these Norwegian mountains. We also undertook
a one-day trip into the mountains.
Some of us achieved even snow. (2002/09/19, mpeg, 22 MB). |
Norwegian town with a nature reservation. Typical whirls (maelstroms) are created in a narrow sea gate
between two fjords (under the bridge) during flux and reflux. Such a maelstrom can have even ten meters in a diameter.
(2002/09/20, mpeg,
15 MB). |
SALTSTRAUMEN: Vortices taken by Jiri's new digital camera Nikon CoolPix 2000 (20.9.2002, mpeg, 6 MB). |
SALTSTRAUMEN: Vortices taken by Jiri's new digital camera Nikon CoolPix
2000 (20.9.2002, mpeg,
8 MB). |
A LITTLE FERRY: We have to go over a creek by ferry. It takes less than one hour but it is a very nice experience.
We will have to take eleven hours lasting ferry from Turku to Stockholm at the end of our expedition.
(2002/09/20, mpeg,
47 MB). |
The end of the first part of our expedition. We leave polar regions. People
traveling around build small pyramids of stones for luck here.
We have built a label ALDEBARAN (2002/09/21, mpeg,
17 MB). |
We had come in the late afternoon so that we passed the night in this cottage.
The price was reasonable, the equipment was first-rate. We just launched a fire alarm in the morning when we were cleaning a stove.
(2002/09/22, 16 mpeg, 22 MB). |
A national park in Norway with a lovely glacier. The path was 10 km long but it was worth the effort.
Additional 10 km back and we continue to Oulu (2002/09/23, mpeg,
12 MB). |
A visit of the local university. We saw two departments: "Space Physics" and "Astrophysics"
The first one was interesting, the second one was tragic. I wouldn't study astronomy in Oulu.
(2002/09/24, mpeg, 12 MB). |
FROM A CAR: A feel in the "little pink car" within a drive.
We rented it and an exhaust pipe came off at the beginning of our journey in Stockholm
(2002/09/24, mpeg,
17 MB). |
HELSINKI: A harbour and capital city of Finland. We took an hourly sight-seeing tour by
the tram.
(2002/09/26, mpeg,
14 MB). |
HELSINKI: A visit of the university observatory. It is 170 years old and it was built
for accurate determining of time for a nearby harbour.
(2002/09/26, mpeg,
11 MB). |